Exfoliating your skin with at-home serums and scrubs are great for maintenance between facial visits – but if you want to see WOW results, right here, right now – what you need is a chemical peel.
We know, the word “chemical” can be scary (and we all saw what happened to poor Samantha in SATC) but when administered by a qualified skin care professional, with gentle, yet effective formulations – chemical peels can be your answer to a glowing complexion.
So that you have your best chemical peel experience possible – we have put together a list of do’s and don’ts – just for you:
- Follow the advice of your skin care professional to find a gentle and effective chemical peel that is right for your skin.
- Inform your skin care professional of all medications you currently are taking or have taken within the last 6 months.
- Inform your skin care professional of any allergies you may have.
- Depending on level of peel, prepare your skin with advised skincare for 2-4 weeks.
- Always use proper daily protection on your skin.
- Follow a specific day and night regimen recommended by your skincare professional.
- For best results, book a series of treatments with your skin care professional.
- Tell your skin care professional if you have a history of skin care conditions, such as cold sores.
- If you have sensitive skin, opt for an enzyamatic peel.
- Discontinue the use of any products containing retinol or glycolic acid.
- Don’t try to do a chemical peel treatment yourself – seek a skin care professional.
- Don’t overexpose yourself to the sun, harsh environments, or pollutants.
- Don’t wax or use any form of hair removal 1 week before and up to 1 week after treatments.
- Don’t pick at any of your skin that may be peeling.
- Don’t use a chemical peel if your skin has been sunburned or you have any open liaisons.
- Don’t over do it – think of your skin like an apple. An apple with skin looks plump and hydrated. When you peel an apple, it becomes brown and shriveled, that is why it is important when exfoliating not to over do it. Your skin is a protective barrier!

Have you received a chemical peel treatment? Tell us in the comments below!